Computing the proportion of land cover types using R and the raster package.
Quantifying categorical spatial data (e.g. land cover) around points can be done in a variety of ways, some of which require considerable amounts of patience, clicking around, and/or cash for a license. Here’s a bit of code that I cobbled together to quickly extract land cover data from the National Land Cover Database for a buffered point between Denver and Boulder - two cities in the state of Colorado.
First, get data using the FedData package:
site_df <- data.frame(city = c('Denver', 'Boulder'),
lat = c(39.7392, 40.0150),
lon = c(-104.9903, -105.2705))
midpoint <- data.frame(lat = mean(site_df$lat),
lon = mean(site_df$lon))
# create spatial point data frame
coordinates(site_df) <- ~lon + lat
proj4string(site_df) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
coordinates(midpoint) <- ~lon + lat
proj4string(midpoint) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
nlcd_raster <- get_nlcd(site_df,
label = 'categorial-extraction',
year = 2011,
extraction.dir = '.')
# reproject midpoint to raster's crs
midpoint <- spTransform(midpoint, projection(nlcd_raster))
buffer_distance_meters <- 5000
# visualize buffered point and land cover data
buff_shp <- buffer(midpoint, buffer_distance_meters)
plot(buff_shp) # I will plot over this, but it sets the plotting extent
plot(nlcd_raster, add = TRUE)
plot(buff_shp, add = TRUE)
Now, we can use raster::extract
to extract raster data around our point
within some buffer, specified in meters.
landcover <- extract(nlcd_raster, midpoint, buffer = buffer_distance_meters)
But this object does not immediately provide the proportions of each cover type. Instead, it contains values from the cells within the buffer:
List of 1
$ : num [1:87274] 22 21 21 21 22 22 21 21 21 21 ...
We can get the proportions of each class within the buffer as follows:
landcover_proportions <- lapply(landcover, function(x) {
counts_x <- table(x)
proportions_x <- prop.table(counts_x)
43 42 41 31 82
8.020716e-05 1.604143e-04 1.294773e-03 2.406215e-03 3.781195e-03
81 90 95 24 52
5.202007e-03 1.184774e-02 1.911222e-02 3.251828e-02 6.305429e-02
11 21 23 22 71
8.288837e-02 1.150056e-01 1.328804e-01 1.734766e-01 3.562917e-01
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
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