Dynamic occupancy models in Stan


Dynamic multi-year occupancy models, marginalizing over latent occurrence states.

Maxwell B. Joseph true

Occupancy modeling is possible in Stan as shown here, despite the lack of support for integer parameters (without marginalization). In many Bayesian applications of occupancy modeling, the true occupancy states (0 or 1) are directly modeled, but this can be avoided by marginalizing out the true occupancy state. The Stan manual (pg. 96) gives an example of this kind of marginalization for a discrete change-point model.

For a Stan implementation of a dynamic (multi-year) occupancy model (MacKenzie et al. 2003), see: https://github.com/stan-dev/example-models/tree/master/BPA/Ch.13

MacKenzie, Darryl I, James D Nichols, James E Hines, Melinda G Knutson, and Alan B Franklin. 2003. “Estimating Site Occupancy, Colonization, and Local Extinction When a Species Is Detected Imperfectly.” Ecology 84 (8): 2200–2207. https://doi.org/10.1890/02-3090.



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